The accordion journal has 8 pages (16 front & back) of acid free artist paper. Room for photos, poems, personal messages ... whatever strikes your fancy. These are perfect for that special family member or friend who's too far away to join the festivities.

Swarovksi Crystal, Czech Glass and Sterling Silver Earrings
Congrats! Yahoo! I love winning, too!
hello! Kababayan Congratulation. Have a happy and healthy holidays. I followed your blog, can you please follow mine too? thank you :)
Congratulations. I just love winning things.
Congrats! I love winning, just never am lucky enough to win.
how fun!!! You deserve it!!!! I love your blog!
I wanted to wish you a Merry Christmas!!! I hope your week is going great!
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you have to sign up (which is quick) but would really help me! I would love it if you spread the word also!
Just put in your favorite blog as : littlemissheirlooms.blogspot.com
thank you sweetie!
Pretty cool prizes, congratulations on winning! :)
Congratulations!! Winning something is always so much fun :)
Cool Prizes! Contrats on your winnings!!!!!!!!!!
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