Thursday, September 30, 2010

Georyl’s October Daily Giveaways!

Best Blogger Tips
georyl october daily giveaways
Gee of Georyl's ( blogging  with my heart) will have a big time October daily Giveways!!

Draw dates: October 1 – 2, 4 – 9, 11 – 16, 18 – 23, 25 – 30
One winner of 1,000 Entrecard Credits
Draw Dates: October 3, 10, 17, 24
One winner of $5 Paypal Credits and one winner of 2,000 Entrecard Credits
Draw Date: October 31
Three winners of $5 Paypal Credits,
one winner of 5,000 Entrecard Credits
One winner of 3,000 EntreCard Credits
One winner of 2,000 EntreCard Credits
October 2010 Top Commenter
One Year WPWebHost Rookie Plan WordPress Hosting with Free Domain Name
To know more the details , please visit her blog!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Meat grinder

Best Blogger Tips
This is a quick post. Since I have limited time today.. I just want to share this tips:
Men who frequently eat bacon, hot dogs, sausage, bologna, and other processed foods are likely to develop some illness such as diabetes. The risk comes from the combination of meat and the fatty chips or fries guys eat with them. So watch out what your eating!! It can make your life short :)

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

I can't fight this feeling anymore

Best Blogger Tips

I fell in love with this soundtrack of Glee. As if i go back to my teens life, giggling those couple lolol!!! but they are cute couple huh? :P Just I love to listen this music!!

Okey!! Happy Tuesday to all!!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Oldest Church

Best Blogger Tips

My daughter got this photo's when she had a field trip for her research study.  This is the oldest church in Western Visayas, Iloilo City, Philippines.

This church is one of the UNESCO World Heritage Site.  It is known as one of the country's pride with its architectural gems, because of its realistic unique designs and motifs.  Every sculpture has its meaning. A native touch of works.  It's simple interior is highlighted with gold plated retablo.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Amazing Race Asia

Best Blogger Tips

More than 30 million viewers across Asia tuned in this show. Every one has their bet, who will be the next amazing race champion.  All team are all tough and strong, with their capabilities and determination to win this race.  You will witness all hardest road block ever, awesome scenic of local places, the funniest moment of the team!

You will surely watch those tantrums and hell drama , you can hate them, love them but they will entertain us with there outrageous determination.. 

I have already watch the first episode!! and I have some critics already LOL.

The Team: 


Richard Hardin 34,
 pro Basketballer and Richard herrera, 31 actor

Jacinta James 27, tattooist 

Lani Pillinger 27


Sunaina Gulia, 31 actress

Dimple Inamdar 32


Sahil Banga 25
Aspiring actor

Manas Katyal 23 
Reality show Bachelor



Natasha Sutadisastra 24
legal Admin

Hussein Baron 53

Father & daughter

Nadine Zamira 26
beauty Queen

Hilyani Hidranto 28
TV presenter

 Ivan Evetovics 33
University Lecturer

Tengku Hilda 38

Husband &  wife


Lim Kok , (Ethan) 26
social worker

Mohd Khairire 25



Claire Goh 21 

Michelle S. Ng

Rebel Pals


 Alan Luk 32


Wendy Lee 24 



Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Lazy Day

Best Blogger Tips

I woke up early morning to prepare breakfast, because my second child will bring pack lunch for her recollection. I feel lazy, and I wanted to sleep more. I have already sleep for 6 hours LOL but still I wanted to close my eyes.( maybe because its getting cold here, because of BER  month)  Just looking all household chores, makes me sick!! Grrrr, its hard to be a mother! If I can rent a mother for one day, I will!!! I need  to relax  and unwind..  I dunno what to post here too, can't think. Maybe I need to hit the bed again! and i will be back later!!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Baby hair care

Best Blogger Tips

By the sixth month in the womb, all the hair follicles and related oil glands are formed on the growing fetus  It is common for the fetus to have a very fine growth of hair on their heads.  This growth has been spotted on sonograms taken at this point in the pregnancy.  Sometimes, hair will also be present on the shoulders and back as well.

It is important to note that the fetus' hair is often a different color than what it will be later in life. Every babies  born with a delicate, downy head of hair.  This newborn fuzz will  only last for four months after birth  It will gradually fall out and new hair grows  which is generally much fuller and tends to grow in a set pattern.

Sometimes babies are born with no hair at all. The majority of babies do tend to have at least a soft downy covering.   Since baby have no hair for their year, usually there is no hair care at all.

The care of baby hair is relatively simple  Just shampoo the baby as needed. Keep very gentle to shampoo.  Don't put pressure on the soft spot on baby's head.  Baby's below five months have a sensitive soft spot on their head.  Just shampoo them in a slow but gentle techniques to avoid the pressure on the scalp. Keep the hair neatly trimmed to keep it out of the baby's eyes and ears  and to prevent unnecessary tangling  You can either trim the baby's hair yourself.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Enjoy Life To The Fullest

Best Blogger Tips
ForestAddy is having her 2nd Anniversary in blogosphere, this is, her way to thank her friends.  She will give some great prizes and bonuses..

This will not be her end giveaway, but there will be more to come. So visit her now! and grab this contest.

The contest will end on October 5, 2010.  You still have time to join! Be a part and win!!

 For more details, please visit her blog!

Friday, September 10, 2010

You don't have to go through Menopause alone...

Best Blogger Tips

Facing the realities of menopause can be most difficult.  The changes are inevitable; insomnia, depression, hot flushes, mood swing, painful urination, to name a few. While the menopause years means coping with these changes, going through this special stage in a woman's life need not be lonely.

Getting the support and understanding of family and friends can make the whole world difference.
My friend is in the early stage of menopause, but she don't want to accept it, she is afraid of the physical changes. She is scared not to do her responsibility of being a wife, so she deny it. But there are already some signs of early menopause. She don't open this topic to her husband. Even though I keep reminding her, I'm there for her, to support. 

Because once you are aware of the menopause need not to put your life to hold, that there is something you can do about it.  Then you are on way to enjoying a more fruitful and rewarding life.

After all, the menopause years can mark the beginning of the best years of life.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Test Shot

Best Blogger Tips

Generally the vaccines that we get as children protect us for the rest of our lives.  But immunity may fade over time, and age predisposes us to complications from common infections such as the flu and pneumonia.  Also , those who were never vaccinated to begin with should avail of new and effective vaccines.

Our government now have already implemented the free shot of H1N1 to all health center, my friend was able to have free shot of this. She is so thankful! You can inquire to your nearest health center, beware of health workers who exchange fees for administering the A(H1N1) vaccines. Vaccines against influenza, pneumococcal disease and hepatitis B, have reduced the rate of infection and deaths from this diseases.

    This shot protects against the influenza virus, which can cause chills, headache, sore throat, dry cough, runny nose and body malaise. This is common to among elderly and children who have an impact in climate change. The vaccine can be given year round.

     This vaccine protects against pnemococcal diseases that cause pneumonia ( a serious lung infection) , bacteremia  ( bacteria in the blood), and meningitis ( bacteria infection of the covering of the brain). Elderly in 65 years  and above , very young children and people with some special health problems have a greater risk.
Always consult the physician about this vaccine.

Measles , Mumps and Rubella
     This immunization (MMR) protects against measles, mumps and rubella ( German measles).   Women of childbearing age whose immunity to MMR is low, which can be determined by a blood test.  If your immunity is not up to par and youre considering pregnancy, you'll need a shot three months before conception. Women should avoid getting pregnant for four weeks after getting MMR vaccine. They should wait to get this immunization after they have given birth.

Hepatitis A
     This vaccine protects against hepatitis A, a liver infection. People who are working in food service, people with chronic liver infection, people who travel abroad, people whp wprk in the hospital, people who work in day care center and men who have sex with men, should have this vaccine.

Hepatitis B
     Protects against deadly liver disease. The vaccine is given to newly born baby. Those who always exposed in blood or blood products, especially the med tech or hospital workers. Men or women who have multiple partner.

Tetanus and Diphtheria booster
    This vaccine can protects you against diphtheria, a potentially fatal bacterial infection, and lockjaw, a paralysis of muscles of the neck and throat that is common in developing countries. You can have this every 10 years.

Varicella -  zoster
    This shot protects against chicken pox, a contagious viral infection that can be fatal to adults.

Parents can visit now for free vaccines to their health center.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Top dropper for the month of August

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Thank You Pictures, Images and Photos

Thank you to all my friends who been visiting this site.  I really appreciate! Its another month to struggle, hoping I'll see you again :)

My top Ten Dropper:

Dropper# of drops
Art Shout!31
The Ad Master31
Slightly Sarcastic31
Winesworld The Amateurs Wine Guide31
T-Shirt Reviews31
Urban Art Blog31
Singapore Playground30

I'm so sorry I was not able to drop EC for a couple of days, since my niece have been hospitalized because of Dengue fever.. As soon I am free I will blog hop.  Hope your weekdays are great!!!


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