Lets welcome the year of the tiger with a smile in your face and free from all worries!!
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Out with gout
Acute gouty arthritis or acute gout. There are many factors that cause an increase in uric acid level: the following are some of the common :
- heredity ( family history)
- Obesity
- High alcohol intake
- High intake of foods containing purines
- some of the drugs used to treat high blood pressure
- less commonly, longstanding kidney disease met result in high blood levels of uric acid
- Offal foods such as liver, kidneys, stripe, sweetbreads, and tongue
- Excessive amount of red meat
- shellfish, fish roe, and scallops
- peas, lentils and beans
Thursday, December 24, 2009
To all my friends....
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
I'm the winner
Yah! I'm the bigger winner for this two giveaways from the blog of Liza! Its a big surprised lol :) I love this stuff :) I cant wait to see in my mail soon!!

The accordion journal has 8 pages (16 front & back) of acid free artist paper. Room for photos, poems, personal messages ... whatever strikes your fancy. These are perfect for that special family member or friend who's too far away to join the festivities.

Swarovksi Crystal, Czech Glass and Sterling Silver Earrings

The accordion journal has 8 pages (16 front & back) of acid free artist paper. Room for photos, poems, personal messages ... whatever strikes your fancy. These are perfect for that special family member or friend who's too far away to join the festivities.

Swarovksi Crystal, Czech Glass and Sterling Silver Earrings
Friday, December 18, 2009
Simbang Gabi
Simbang Gabi is one of the continued and most popular among the Filipino traditions in the country. It is when Catholic churches across the nation start to open their doors shortly before the break of dawn to welcome the faithful to the Simbang Gabi is a nine-day novena to our Blessed Mother. The novena start December 16 at 4:00 in the morning and culminates with the “Misa de Gallo” or mass of the rooster on Christmas Eve to rejoice the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ.
I was already absent for 3 days mass because kids have still class and its their exams, so I have to woke up early and prepare breakfast for them. After the mass church goers will buy some delicacies outside the church, sold in the stalls such as bibingka, puto (rice cakes),suman, puto bungbong, and hot pandesal (hot bread) good for tea, coffee and chocolate.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Busy day
Hello there, I'm soooooooooo busy today, sorry if I havent drop, for sure I will be back later to visit you!!
See yah
See yah
Monday, December 14, 2009
SLEEP much???
Slipping grades. Heinous skin. Sore muscles. Before you chalk it all up to really, really bad luck, ponder this question. Are you getting enough sleep? Probably not. We need between eight and a half and nine and a half hours a night. A lack of z's won;t just make you cranky- it can affect everything from your health to your ability to string a coherent sentence together. Here are something to consider before you pull your next all nighter.
It does a mind and body good!
A little science: When you're asleep, your brain passes through several stages about every 90 minutes. The whole process helps the brain consolidate what it;s learning.
Sleep also helps your body regenerate muscle tissue, which gets tiny tears while you're up and about. That's part of the reason your limbs feel like lead when you're overtired. Also too little sleep can mess with your coordination because your brain is functioning more slowly that it should. Not only will staying up late screw up your chances of scoring a goal on the soccer field, but it also makes a simple ride to the mall a lot riskier.
A case of puffy eyes isn't the ugly consequence of staying up all night, can make you produce stress hormones that may cause breakouts- just what you need when you're already crabby. Plus when you miss out on sleep, your blood pressure and pulse drop, which can lead to sallow dry skin and even rashes. Not a good look.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Get rid of whiteheads
Before you pick ( and scar) your face, check out the right way to zap them. Whiteheads: Zits with a squishy, white tip-the goo inside like pus. You can treat them at home.
Melia: Tiny, hard white bumps (not zits) made of dead skin cells. They don;t pop but a derm can fix them.
To keep skin clear, your pores need to open. How-To: Though many factors, like hormones and skin type, can make you prone to whiteheads, using a cleanser with a salicylic acid twice daily will help keep these zits away. The acid exfoliates skin so pores don't get clogged with oil and dirt, plus it prevents milia.
If you must pop... We know it can be hard to resist . Here's the safest way. Cleanse skin with warm water ( to soften the whiteheads for easy popping) then grab an extractor tool. Clean the tool with rubbing alcohol, then place oneof its holes around the whitehead and press gently.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Love potions
Some people will go extraordinary lengths to capture that loving feeling, here are some of the things thought to have aphrodisiacal qualities:
- Oysters and champagne
- Okra
- Truffles
- eggplant
- Cinnamon Sticks (chewed like to bacco)
- Cloves
- Sandalwood and Ylang Ylang essential oil aroma
- Chinese herbs, Fo-ti-tieng, Goto Kolo and Ginseng
- Deer Anther
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Are you caffeine addict?
How to know if you're hooked:
On days when you don't coffee, soda, or energy drinks do you:
- feel sluggish?
- get a headache?
- act irritable?
How to quit:
- Add up how much caffeine you get a day: A cup of coffee has 100 milligrams; an energy drink 80; and a can of soda, 40.
- Drink half of that amount for three days, then half of that for the next three days. On the 7th day , have a few sips; on the 8th day, have none. Cutting back slowly lets your body adjust, so you won't get headache-y or tired.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Executive training
As men reach their 30s, a funny thing starts to happen to their metabolism-it slows down. For those who spent their teens and 20s eating everything in sight, rarely working out and never worrying about gaining weight. A couple of donuts in the morning, greasy fast food for lunch, mid-day candy bar, and full-on dinners were just a way of life. Now, however, following a diet like that accounts for that extra notch (or two) in a belt that used to fit so perfectly.
Other than buying a new belt, what can a busy male executive do to retain the fitness level he has enjoyed up to now? The answer is encouraging, as there is plenty that can be done. But the reality is, finding enough time to workout and keep healthy in this hustle and bustle world is challenging as predicting what the tumultuous stock market will do on any given day.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
November top dropper
Thank you very much to all my friends who visit me here always :)
Thank you thank you....
Thank you thank you....
First payment from Bidvertiser
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
LIZ Birthday giveaways!!
She will celebrate her 25th birthday on January 23, 2010 with this big blast to all her friends and to all blogsphere. Come visit her and be a part of it!!
First Prize: $50
$25 - http://theadmaster.net/
$5 - http://fedhz.com/
$5 - http://pinaymom.org/
$5 - http://livinglifetodfullest.blogspot.com/
$5 - MommaWannabe
$5 - http://realmofadreamer.com
Customized Products Worth $60 from: Alex of http://customizedlife.net/
Special Gift from: Pinkville
Blog Review from: http://onlinemoneywithgoogleadsense.blogspot.com/
(Optional Prizes: If the winner opt to give these to other winners, that would be fine.)
New 3-Column Layout from: Blogger Sai
15GB Diskspace hosting: http://angelic-melody.net
1-month AD SPACE (125X125) @ the following:
1-month AD SPACE (Text Links) @ the following:
Best Vacation Places
The Pinay Blogger
Mom Writes Stuff
2-month AD SPACE (125X125) @ the following:
3-month AD SPACE (125X125) @ the following:
Entrecard Credits (ECs): 27 000 ECs
3000 EC - PinayMom.org
3000 EC - BlogDeManila.com
3000 EC - KayaMoPinoy.com
2000 EC - http://redamethyst.blogspot.com/
3000 EC - http://livinglifetodfullest.blogspot.com/
2000 EC - http://designersdepot.noelevz.com/
5000 EC - http://theadmaster.net/
3000 EC - http://serenityoverload.blogspot.com
3000 EC - http://mommyko.com
Second Prize: $25
$5 - http://journal.mikemamaril.com/
$5 - http://www.bigloveblog.info/
$5 - http://serenityoverload.blogspot.com
$5 - Diva Fabulosa
$5 - http://learnnearnonline.blogspot.com/
Pair of Earrings from http://momgen.etsy.com
1-month AD SPACE (125X125) @ the following:
2-month AD SPACE (125X125) @ the following:
Entrecard Credits (ECs): 24 500 ECs
2000 EC - http://tycoonblogger.com/
3500 EC - http://cornymans-blogreviews.blogspot.com/
5000 EC - http://babyandkidsworld.blogspot.com/
2000 EC - http://www.barbie-doll.co.cc
2000 EC - http://safarisogood.blogspot.com/
2000 EC - http://elsalvadordelmundo.blogspot.com
1000 EC - http://i-heart-contest.com/
1000 EC - http://www.maldita.us/
2000 EC - http://www.parentingnotes.info/
2000 EC - http://www.momgencraftcorner.com
2000 EC - http://www.mycraftstoresonline.us
Third Prize: $20
$5 - http://questionshaveanswers.blogspot.com/
$5 - http://www.labambita.com/
$5 - Health and Beauty Diva
$5 - http://fashionbeautycraze.blogspot.com/
Pair of Earrings from http://darlingrose.etsy.com
1-month AD SPACE (125X125) @ the following:
Entrecard Credits (ECs): 20 500 ECs
3500 EC - http://theoneminuteguide.blogspot.com/
5000 EC - http://cornys-moneypage.blogspot.com/
2000 EC - http://entrepremom.blogspot.com/
3000 EC - http://demcyapdiandias.blogspot.com/
3000 EC - http://www.flavourme.com
2000 EC - http://www.happymomiam.us
2000 EC - http://chris.happymomiam.us
Best Reviewer: $25 (Most Points Get it All)
$5 - http://www.isherrygo.com/
$5 - http://thereishappiness.com/
$5 - http://www.girlblogger.net/
$5 - Pinay Mommy Online
$5 - Blogging Mama
Special Gift from: Pinkville
Blog Review from: http://onlinemoneywithgoogleadsense.blogspot.com/
1-month AD SPACE (125X125) @ the following:
Entrecard Credits (ECs): 16 000 ECs
2000 EC - http://love.mommyko.com
2000 EC - http://mywpblogonline.com
2000 EC - http://www.kwarta4me.biz
4000 EC - http://silvergurl22.blogspot.com/
2000 EC - http://learn-earn-for-livin.blogspot.com/
2000 EC - http://www.jovdavid.com/
2000 EC - http://healthytipsy.blogspot.com/
And a GRAND package from Pinay Mommy Online:
Info Domain + 1YR Hosting - Pinay Mommies Community
2000 EC + 1-month AD SPACE (125X125) per blog:
The Ruby Posts
I Luv Contests and More
Pink Thoughts
Lourdes' Mia
Moolah Musings
Life and Scraps
Reviewers Haven
Chika Buzz
The Movie Mommy
The Digital Post
Photo Memeries
Micah Izabel
Johann David
Bella Grace
SEO Friendly Blog Directory
Online Biz and Resources
A Woman's Blog
Rubz Online
Mommy Emotes
Blessings and Beyond
Friendship and Smiles
In case of tie, a tie-breaker review will determine the winner with the help of cash sponsors.
Sponsorship is still open while the contest is ongoing. The more CASH prizes at stake, the more exciting the contest is!
Cash sponsors should send their specified amount to liezl_7m5(AT)yahoo(DOT)com via Paypal.
Contest Mechanics:
This contest will have 2 categories: Birthday Raffle & Points System
For Birthday Raffle (through random.org), you can have as many entries as you like by following the tasks below.
For Points System, the highest pointer will obviously win the "Best Reviewer" Award.
1 point = 1 entry
1. Follow this blog (through Google Connect) - 1 PT
2. Add Bloguardian Hellsite: Overcashed on your Blog Roll - 1PT
3. Write a blog entry about this post and dont forget to include my 250X250 contest banner and the sponsors' list on it. - 3 PTS
4. Place my 125X125 banner on your side bar. - 1 PT
Don't forget to comment on this post with your email address, URL of your post , name used to follow this blog and other things you've done so that I can tally your points.
More Points/Entries here:
>Gain additional points by reviewing the following: (2 points per review)
Note: Review should be 150 words and above with backlink to their site/blog. Each review should be counted as one blog entry or a separate blog post. (Simply, review each site individually on your post.)
> Place sponsors's badge on your sidebar - 2 PTs
> Add Pinkville on your blog roll - 1 PT
> Visit Pinkville and post ONE relevant comment on any of the posts - 1 PT (You have to let me know where you placed your comment)
Automatic PLUS points (per person not per blog. One sponsor can only have a maximum of 3 plus points.):
Cash Sponsors - 3 PTs
EC Sponsors - 2 PTs
AD Sponsors - 2 PTs
Monday, November 30, 2009
Tears are salty, watery secretions produced by the eye's lachrymal glands. The main job of tears is to keep the eyes constantly moist. Moisture is important to maintain transparency of the cornea ( the front part of the eyeball) and to prevent ulceration.
By lubricating the surface of the eye, tears aid movement of the eyelids in blinking. Tears also wash away small foreign bodies that enter the eye; and they contain a natural antiseptic. of course, tears function is expressing emotion- a trait exhibited only by humans.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
A nosy look at body odor
The culprits are sweat and bacteria. Sweat doesn't smell when it first comes out of the skin. The odor comes only when bacteria on the skin's surface break down the fat and ferment the sugar in sweat to form chemicals that smell.
Notice the odors most foul usually emanate from armpits and groin- the apocrine glands in this areas produce the necessary ingredients for bacteria to works on. Sweat from other areas on the body is mainly salt, water, nourishment the microscopic finds don't really relish.
Feet are an exception. Many hours of warm, moist and airless conditions suit bacteria and fungi just fine. This explains smelly feet. Now if you gorge on garlic-loaded pizza or spicy delicacies, don't be surprised if you reek of pungency.
The most effective treatment is still good ol' hygiene. Wash thoroughly with soap and water at least once a day. After washing, use a good deodorant with anti-perspirant to prevent sweat from reaching the surface of the skin. Change clothes and underwear regularly. And watch what you eat.
Friday, November 27, 2009
Why do we yawn?
When you are tired, sleepy, sitting in a stuffy room, or simply bored, you breath more slowly. When breathing slows down, your lungs aren't able to bring enough oxygen your body needs or get rid of carbon dioxide efficiently. As the level of carbon dioxide in the blood builds up. your brain is alerted and sends a signal to your lungs to take extra deep breath called yawn.
A yawn makes you breathe in oxygen very deeply, and breathe carbon dioxide fully. Hooooo humm.. grrr now im yawning :)
Another day
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