Youth is the precursor of health and beauty, or maybe vice versa, that at the age of 50 nowadays even at 40, people start to get conscious about their birthdays ( and more to come), their looks, their postures, their physical well being etc, etc. We all know that everyone ages, and dies eventually, but there is eternal hunt for thecure to old age or the arrest of its porgression to ever as slow as possible. Not so much because people are so focused on their looks of being young but more because looking and feeling young gives us the kick, the confidence and inspiration to be able to do much more life.
Yes regular exercise and sufficient food with right nutritional support should help keep us young alive and active through old age. And most important of all is to know the trick of manifesting this youthful condition.
Tips how to care skin:
- 1. Be clean and sanitary. Take a bath regularly.
- 2. Learn the basic steps of cleaning, toning, moisturizing and protecting your skin with sunblock and firming uo creams at night.
- Eat longevity.. Not just for fancy or whim.
b. unrefined carbo
c. Keep simple sugar to a minimum
d. Limit dairy products
e. Frequent consumption of legumes and unpolished graines.
f. frequent consumption of fish
g. whole fresh fruits for dessert
h. snacks consisting nuts
i. use olive or canola oil or virgin coconut oil
- Take a lot of liquids. Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day.
- Take a natural food supplements and anti-oxidants to ensure required daily intake of vitamins and minerals for your body
- Have a 4-5 days a week exercise programs
- Sleep at least 6-8 hours daily