For years people with arthritis shunned physical activities, thinking it is bad for them. And now it is different, they believe just the opposite: that arthritis patients need to move, and often. Of course, rest is important. But too much inactivity can lead to weakened muscles, stiffer joints, less energy and weight gain, all of it will worsen the symptoms of arthritis. But now, physician recommend aerobics, range of motion and flexibility exercises, as well as strength training, swimming, biking even running.
Exercise helps people with arthritis in numerous ways. It reduces joint pain and stiffness, and increases flexibility, muscle strength, cardiovascular fitness and endurance. It also helps with weight control, which is very important for people with arthritis; the less weight on the joints. And most of all, it feels good. It promote a sense of well being.
Remember the level of exercise depends on the severity of the disease. If you have arthritis and wants to continue your sports, first you have to consult the doctor- about how much you can do safely, and for how long. Physician will advised you about your illness.Arthritis is the leading causes of disability.

Arthritis (according to Wikipedia) is a group of conditions involving damage to the joints of the body. So if you already experience some pain in your joints, try to move your body now!!! Arthritis is worsen when the climate is cold.